On March 7, 2023, Executive Vice President Guan Guihai attended the Council of Councils (CoC) 7th virtual conference hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on behalf of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS), Peking University (PKU), along with Zhao Minghao, Special Research Fellow of IISS, PKU and Professor of the Center for American Studies (CAS), Fudan University.

28 think tanks from 24 countries, including two Chinese ones, IISS, PKU and Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), attended the conference to discuss the topic "Addressing Global Challenges in a Fragmented World Order ".
A global network of think tanks initiated by CFR, CoC connects leading foreign policy institutes from around the world to facilitate candid dialogue on issues of global governance and multilateral cooperation for the purpose of pooling wisdom, addressing common threats, sponsoring innovative ideas, and offering recommendations and solutions to member states for their public policy debates and decision-making processes. The membership of the Council of Councils includes prominent think tanks from 24 countries, roughly tracking the composition of the Group of Twenty (G20). The list of its member organizations is available on the Council of Councils roster page.
Editor: Li Fangqi