Wang Jisi, President of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS), Professor of the School of International Studies (SIS), Peking University (PKU) visited the United States as "Global Scholar" of Princeton University from February 9th to April 11th2015, during which Prof. Wang carried out in-depth exchanges with Thomas Christensen, Professor of International Relations and former U.S. Assistant Under-Secretary of State, G. John Ikenberry and Robert Keohane, Professors of International Relations, etc., and gave an academic speech titled "Chinese and International Order".
From February 16th to 18th, Professor Wang joined an academic seminar relevant to Chinese foreign affairs in New Orleans; from February 27th to 28th, he joined the China-U.S.-Korea-Japan Close-door Seminar concerning the Korean Peninsula issue in Williamsburg.
From March 1st to 6th, in Washington, Prof. Wang led the 48th team of experts and scholars (including Wang Jisi, Guan Guihai, Wu Bingbing, Li Lihua) to review the U.S. foreign affairs and its policy towards China, and exchanged views with the following people: Evan Medeiros, Senior Director of the Asian Affairs Department of United States National Security Council (NSC), Charles Kupchan, Senior Director of the European Affairs Department of NSC, Susan Thornton, Associate Under-Secretary of State in charge of East Asian Affairs, Kurt Campbell, former Assistant Secretary of State, J. Stapeleton Roy, former Ambassador to China, Douglas Paal, Vice President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), Michael Swaine, Senior Researcher of CEIP, Kenneth Lieberthal, former Senior Director of the Asian Affairs of NSC, Jeffrey Bader, former Senior Director of the Asian Affairs Department of NSC, Jonathan Pollack and Richard Bush, researchers of the China Center of Brookings Institution, Bonnie Glaser, Christopher Johnson, Andrew Kuchins and Jeffrey Mankoff, senior researchers of Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Steven Bucci, Director of the Heritage Foundation of NSC, and researcher Dean Cheng, etc.

On March 25th, invited by Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia and Director of Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), Prof. Wang held a small-scale symposium concerning the Sino-U.S. relations at the Asia Society in New York. Participants included Winston Lord, former American Ambassador to China, Stephen Orlins, Director of National Committee on United States-China Relations, Andrew Nathan, China expert of the Columbia University, Jerome Cohen, China expert of the New York University, Orville Schell, Director of the Sino-U.S. Relations Center of the Asia Society, and Susan Jakes, editor of the Sino-U.S. Relation Center, etc. Kevin Rudd prepared a family banquet to entertain the participants and further exchanged in-depth point of views.
On March 26th, Prof. Wang joined the Seminar concerning Taiwan Issues and Sino-U.S. Relations at New York held by American Foreign Policy Council. Participants included more than 20 scholars and experts from the United States, mainland China, and Taiwan of China, etc.
From March 30thto April 2nd, invited by the Kennedy School of Government and Fairbank Center for China Studies of Harvard University, Prof. Wang gave an open speech titled "China and International Order", which was presided over by Ezra Vogel, famous expert of East Asian affairs; he met alone with Robert Zoellick, former president of the World Bank and former American Deputy Secretary of State, Shankar Menon, former Indian National Security Advisor and former Ambassador to China; and at Kennedy School of Government he carried out a symposium concerning the international situation and Sino-U.S. relations etc., participant included Lawrence Summers, former United States Secretary of the Treasury and former Harvard University President, and famous international political and economic scholars, namely Joseph Nye, Graham Allison, Richard Rosecrance, Fu Gaoyi, Roderick MacFarquhar, Anthony Saich, Iain Johnston, Meghan O'Sullivan, Noah Feldman, Dwight Perkins, Richard Cooper etc,; Afterwards, Ezra Vogel held a family banquet, during which informal opinions on the current domestic situation of China and China's foreign relations etc. were exchanged. More than 10 people joined this activity, including Elizabeth Perry, famous China issue expert, Mark Elliot, Director of Fairbank Center for China Studies, Robert Ross and Joseph Fewsmith, visiting scholars of the Center, etc.