President Wang Jisi Invited to Have Lunch with Japan's Ambassador to China

Author:Zhao Jianwei Date:2018-03-29

On March 26, 2018, Prof. Wang Jisi, President of Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS), Peking University (PKU), was invited by Yokoi Yutaka, Japan's Ambassador to China, to have lunch at the Ambassador's official residence. They exchanged ideas on Sino-Japanese and Sino-U.S. relations, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese diplomacy following the 19th National People's Congress as well as other topics of shared interests. Atsushi Ueno, Minister for political affairs at the Japanese Embassy in China, Naoyuki Fujii, Second Secretary at the Japanese Embassy in China, Associate Prof. Gui Yongtao, Assistant President of IISS, and Research Assistant Zhao Jianwei joined the lunch.

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