From August 5th to August 7th, 2019, Yu Tiejun, Vice President of the Institute of International Strategic Studies (IISS), Peking University (PKU), was invited to Tokyo, Japan to attend "China-U.S.-Japan Track Two Conference 2019" which was sponsored by the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS). Participants of the conference included 18 experts and scholars from China, the United States and Japan. They discussed Sino-U.S. relations, China's economic situation against the background of China-U.S. trade frictions, the future development trend of the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan issue, Sino-Japan relations, as well as the domestic politics of China, the United States and Japan.
The CIGS is an important think-tank in Japan with the focus on global political and economic issues. The “China-U.S.-Japan Track Two Conference” hosted by the CIGS annually invites experts and scholars in related fields from the three countries to exchange views and opinions on issues of common concern, such as the trilateral relations between China, the United States and Japan, security in East Asia, domestic political and economic situations of the three countries. The conference has been consecutively held for nine years up to now.