Executive Vice President Guan Guihai Attends the International Academic Seminar on the "20 Years of the SCO: Retrospective and Prospects"

Author:Guan Guihai Date:2021-06-29

From June 24 to 25, 2021, Associate Professor Guan Guihai, Executive Vice President, Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS), Peking University (PKU), and Director, Center for Modern Russian Studies, PKU, attended the international academic seminar on the "20 Years of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Retrospective and Prospects" in Shanghai and delivered a speech entitled “Agreements reached within the SCO: Consensus and Differences”. The seminar was co-hosted by the China Institute of International Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Center of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies and the SCO Secretariat.

The heads of the key research institutions in each SCO member state and heads of diplomatic missions to China attended the seminar both online and offline respectively.

Editor: Li Fangqi

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