On the morning of May 7, 2021, the Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS), Peking University (PKU) and Japan Research Platform of Keio Research Institute at SFC co-organized the third online academic seminar. Participating guests included Prof. Tomoki Kamo, Prof. Toshihiro Nakayama and Prof. Ken Jimbo from the Faculty of Comprehensive Policy, Keio University, and Kikuchi Yona, Researcher and Director of the Japan International Forum. Prof. Yu Tiejun, Vice President of IISS PKU and Associate Prof. Gui Yongtao, and Associate Prof. Jie Dalei from the School of International Studies (SIS), PKU, participated in the seminar as Chinese representatives. Focusing on the issues of the latest developments in Japan-U.S. relations, both sides reviewed the interactions between Japan and the United States since the Biden administration took office, analyzed the differences between Japan and the United States in their stance towards China policy, and discussed the development prospects of Sino-Japanese relations in this context.
Editor: Li Fangqi