19:00-20:30 Monday, April 22, 2024
North Pavilion, PKU(Sign up required)
Lecturer:Peter Trubowitz
Moderator:Yu Tiejun
Topic: US-China Relations: Tracking Threat Perceptions Over Time
Whereas China was once widely considered a strategic partner of the US, Americans now increasingly view China as a strategic competitor or rival. In this lecture, Prof. Peter Trubowitz examines the international and domestic sources of this shift in American perceptions of Chinese power and ambition and considers the implications for the future of US-China relations.
Peter Trubowitz
Peter Trubowitz is Professor of International Relations and Director of the Phelan United States Centre at the London School of Economics and Associate Fellow at Chatham House. He writes and comments frequently on international affairs and American foreign policy. His writings include Geopolitics and Democracy: The Western Liberal Order from Foundation to Fracture (Oxford 2023), Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft (Princeton 2011) and Defining the National Interest: Conflict and Change in US Foreign Policy (Chicago 1998), as well as articles in scholarly journals and popular magazines. Before joining LSE, he was Professor of Government at the University of Texas at Austin. He has held visiting appointments at Harvard, Princeton, Universidad de Chile, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico City, Tsinghua University, and the Beijing Foreign Studies University, where he was the J. William Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer in American Foreign Policy.

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Editor: LI Fangqi