Topic:“Greater Eurasia, Transmuting America, and Russia-China Teamwork”
Lecturer:Victor Larin
Venue:North Pavilion, PKU
Time:15 November, 2016, 19:30-21:00 Tuesday
The president-elect's surprising victory exposed huge rifts in the American electorate over the direction of the nation and hostile feelings about global orders, immigration, race relations and gender equity. What does it mean for China and Russia. Dr. Larin will talk about Russia and China cooperation in the shaping of new Eurasia and the eventual changes in US policy towards Europe, Russia and East Asian countries in this lecture.

Victor Larlin
Victor Larin is the Director of the Institute of History, archaeology and ethnology of the peoples of the Far East, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch (Vladivostok). And he is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Spheres of scientific interests: China history and politics, International relations and security issues in the Pacific, Russia Foreign Policy in the Pacific, Russia bilateral relations with Northeast Asia countries.