
See also

The tenth North Pavilion Dialogue The ninth North Pavilion Dialogue The eighth North Pavilion Dialogue The seventh North Pavilion Dialogue The sixth North Pavilion Dialogue
JI Zhiye



    Currently president of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR). He is also vice president of China's Society for Eastern European and Central Asian Studies. He was sent to Soviet Union by the Chinese Government, studying at Russia Vladimir University, and got the doctor’s degree in 1993. Ji Zhiye has been working in CICIR since 1994, and was assistant president, director of the Institute of Russian Studies, vice president of CICIR. He also serves as advisor on international issues at the Information Center of Central Television of China and at other institutes. His main research areas include: Russia, CIS affairs and Big Power Relations. Having accomplished a series of key national project, Ji Zhiye also published a number of research works. In 2001, he was awarded as a middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution.

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