
See also

The ninth North Pavilion Dialogue The eighth North Pavilion Dialogue The seventh North Pavilion Dialogue The sixth North Pavilion Dialogue The Fifth North Pavilion Dialogue
PKU Holds the Third Annual Meeting of "North Pavilion Dialogue"


From October 21 to 23, 2016, the third annual meeting "North Pavilion Dialogue" was held in Peking University (PKU). The Institute of International & Strategic Studies (IISS), PKU, organized the “North Pavilion Dialogue”. It invites personages with profound academic accomplishment, rich political experience and far-reaching strategic vision to discuss international strategic situation and China's role in international affairs.

13 foreign guests were invited this year, they are: Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia, Joseph Nye, Professor at Harvard University of the United States, John Negroponte, former Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, David Miliband, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, Shivshankar Menon, former National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, Nabil Fahmy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, Marty Natalegawa, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, George Yeo, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Yoriko Kawaguchi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Kim Sung-Hwan, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Korea, Thierry De Montbrial, President of French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), and Volker Perthes, Executive Chairman and Director of Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.

Domestic guests include Dai Bingguo, former State Councilor, PRC, and Honorary President of the IISS, PKU, He Yafei, former Vice Minister of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Fu Chengyu, former Chairman of China Petrochemical Corporation, Yan Xuetong, Dean of the Institute of International Relations, Tsinghua University, Su Ge, President of the China Institute of International Studies, Yao Yunzhu, Director Emeritus of the Center on China-American Defense Relations, the Academy of Military Science (AMS), Zheng Bingwen, Director General of the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ji Zhiye, President of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Li Shaoxian, former Vice President of CICIR, and Zhang Tuosheng, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies. Administration and professors of the IISS and the School of International Studies (SIS), PKU also attended the annual meeting, they are: Wang Jisi, President of the IISS, PKU, Yuan Ming, Vice President of the IISS, PKU, Yu Tiejun, Vice President of the IISS, PKU, Guan Guihai, Executive Vice President of the IISS, PKU, Jia Qingguo, Dean of the SIS, PKU, Wang Yizhou, Associate Dean of the SIS, PKU, and Zhang Haibin, Professor at the SIS, PKU. Li Yansong, Vice President of PKU delivered a welcome remark to guests.

The theme of the annual meeting is "Global Governance: Strengthening and Reforming the Role of International Regimes". This topic is important for both China and the world. China has developed and become strong under the current global governance system, and is committed to drive development of the system in a more just and rational direction. In recent years, as an emerging power, China has been more actively and deeply involved in the agenda of global governance, and has placed more influence on the agenda. China has not only provided the world with more public goods, but also begun to contribute Chinese thoughts and schemes to the world. For example, China has proposed the concept of "community of human destiny", the initiative of "the Belt and Road" and the principle of jointly building through consultation to meet the interests of all, and advocated for establishment of new types of international financial institutions, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Silk Road Fund and the New Development Bank (namely the BRICS Development Bank).

The annual meeting is scheduled to last for three days, one and a half day for closed-door seminars, a half-day for open forum and one day for two lectures. During the closed-door seminars, participants concentrated on discussion of global governance issues, such as reform of international organizations like the United Nations, global economic and environment governance, development imbalance and social justice, response to terrorism and extremism, regional security and nuclear non-proliferation etc. They also had in-depth exchange of views on how to strengthen international cooperation mechanism and the international role of China, providing many valuable ideas and suggestions.

On the afternoon of October 23, in the open forum of "Different Perspectives on Global Governance" co-organized by the IISS and the SIS, PKU, nine guests, including Andrey Kortunov, David Miliband, Volker Perthes, Thierry De Montbrial, Yoriko Kawaguchi, Kim Sung-Hwan, Nabil Fahmy, Marty Natalegawa and Wang Yizhou, had a frank and heated discussion on how to reshape the global governance system, and had an in-depth interaction with the audience.

On the morning of October 21, Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia, made a keynote speech titled "UN 2030: Rebuilding Order in a Fragmenting World" at the Yingjie Conference Center, PKU. Lin Jianhua, President of PKU, awarded Kevin Rudd the certificate of honorary professor of PKU. On the afternoon of that day, Prof. Joseph Nye gave a talk titled "Is the American Century Over?" at the SIS, PKU. Teachers and students of PKU as well as people of all social circles flocked to the lectures, and had heated exchanges with lecturers. Prof. Wang Jisi hosted the two lectures and the open forum.

IISS, PKU was officially founded in October 2013, with Dai Bingguo, former State Councilor of China, as its honorary president. Under the leadership of PKU, IISS relies on the rich intellectual resources of the SIS and other relevant departments of PKU, undertakes research topics commissioned by government agencies and enterprises, and is engaged in providing high-quality consulting services on China's international strategy and foreign policy. It has also established a closer partnership among think tanks and academic institutions around the world.

From 2014 on, IISS holds the "North Pavilion Dialogue" annually. This is one of the initiatives of PKU to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's instruction of "building new type of think tanks with Chinese characteristics". IISS plans to progressively build the "North Pavilion Dialogue" into a high-profile platform to facilitate exchanges and cooperation among domestic and foreign peers in the international strategic community and enable them to make accurate judgments of the world situation, help China play an international role and promote win-win cooperation and inclusive development in global politics.

The North Pavilion of the "North Pavilion Dialogue", formerly known as the Luella Miner Pavilion, is located in the central part of the scenic Yan Yuan Garden and now accommodates the office of IISS.

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