On April 11, 2013, Air Commodore Paddy Teakle of the Royal Air Force (RAF), U.K. Defense Attaché to China Bridger Duncan Francis, and Major James Dennis of the Royal Marines visited the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CISS), Peking University (PKU). Accompanied by First Secretary of the U.K. Embassy Mr. James Barker, the visitors discussed topics including crisis management and military operations other than war (MOOTW) with scholars from CISS.
In combination with their rich personal experiences, the U.K. officers introduced U.K. and international decision mechanisms of crisis management; doctrines and implementations of MOOTWs, such as evacuations of nationals and international rescue in nature disasters; and the importance of coordination between military and government departments of diplomatic and domestic affairs. Scholars of CISS introduced the institutional characteristics, insufficiencies and future directions of crisis management in China. Lengthy discussions also included topics such as the perspectives of Chinese military participating in the overseas interest protection and strategic culture in Britain.
The meeting was hosted by Chief Secretary of CISS, Associate Prof. Gui Yongtao. Executive Council Member of CISS, Director of the Academic Committee, China Foundation for International Strategic Studies Prof. Zhang Tuosheng; academic members of CISS, Associate Profs. Chu Xiaobo and Wang Dong; together with undergraduate and graduate students from SIS, PKU attended the meeting.