On May 14th, 2012, Center for International and Strategic Studies of Peking University (CISS) and Stanford Center at Peking University jointly held a workshop on Korean Peninsula. Professor John Lewis, Professor Robert Carlin, and Professor Frederick F. Carriere from Center for International Security and Cooperation(CISAC) at Stanford University respectively talked on Estimating the Location, Size, Timing, and Consequences of North Korean Nuclear Test, North Korean Leadership Change, and US-DPRK Relations and the Role of Track II Exchanges followed by answering the questions proposed by the participants.
The seminar was chaired jointly by Associate Professor Yu Tiejun, Deputy Director of CISS, and Professor Lewis. Professor Zhu Feng, Deputy director of CISS, Associate Professor Gui Yongtao, General Secretary of CISS, Associate Professor Wang Dong from School of International Studies at Peking University, Associate Professor Kim Donggil from Department of History at Peking University, and Professor Gordon H. Chang from Department of History at Stanford University and some graduate students and PhD students attended at the seminar.